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Over the past 25 years, we’ve taught systematic Innovation tools, methods and principles to over 25,000 delegates. We’ve given keynote addresses to over 30,000 conference delegates. We’ve designed educate-the-educator programmes that have seen our thinking spread to a further 500,000 people.
We teach and/or have created curricula at a number of Universities around the planet. We teach on a number of MBA programmes. We sometimes teach in K-12 schools.
We’ve created a 100% online Systematic Innovation MSc degree.
We have over 60 Systematic Innovation teaching Modules available on a dedicated LMS platform.
We have produced multiple domain-defining Systematic Innovation text books.
We publish around 50 new papers and articles a year.
Not only are we the only innovation company in the world, we’re the only company that knows how to teach it.

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